Dress Change Photo Editor APK

version: 1.7.8

Dress up on photo! Change dress photo editor! Girls and woman dresses on photo

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  • Dress Change Photo Editor APK
  • Dress Change Photo Editor APK
  • Dress Change Photo Editor APK
  • Dress Change Photo Editor APK
  • Dress Change Photo Editor APK
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Welcome to the Dress Change photo editor! New dress on photo in 5 seconds!
♡ Easy photo editor for girls and woman! Change your look on photo!
♡ NEW collection of casual, wedding dresses, snow suits and swim costumes for your photo!

♡ 70 girls dresses for any figure type!
♡ 80 girls photo stickers for your perfect photo!
♡ Add beauty makeup and beauty hairstyle on photo in 10 seconds!
♡ Add text to photo and create beauty pictures with your photo!

Your style photo absolutely free:
♡ Woman long and short dresses on photo
♡ Fashion clothes colours - Photo in red, photo in blue, photo in black
♡ Try girl casual style: photo in jeans, jacket and costume.
♡ Create winter photo in winter jacket, photo in coat, snowbord costume.

Dress Change on photo is very easy to use:
♡ Take a new photo or select one from your gallery to dressup
♡ Select one of the stickers of clothes
♡ Zoom in, zoom out, rotate, adjust stickers, add text on photo
♡ Save your photo in photo gallery
♡ Share your photos with your friends and family

Download Dress change photo editor right now absolutely free and make your first photo in fashion dress!

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